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RCOphth Refraction Certificate

RCOphth Refraction Certificate and Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examinations to be held in Pakistan for the first time in February 2024.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is pleased to announce that their prestigious Refraction Certificate and Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examinations will be held in Pakistan for the first time in February 2024.

This means that from 2024, candidates in Pakistan can now take all four components of the FRCOphth in their home country without the need to travel overseas.

Applications for these exams open on 23rd October 2023 and will close on 22nd December 2023.

The Refraction Certificate examination will take place on Tuesday 20th February 2024 and the Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examination will take place on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd February 2024.

Candidates do not need to have passed any other components of the FRCOphth to be able to sit the Refraction Certificate but for the Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examination, candidates must have passed the Part 1 FRCOphth, Refraction Certificate and the Part 2 FRCOphth Written.

Applications can be made for either exam by visiting these RCOphth website pages:

RCOphth website link-1 RCOphth website link-2

The RCOphth is very pleased to be partnering with the renowned Al Shifa Trust Eye Hospital in Rawalpindi to deliver these examinations in Pakistan for the first time.

Both exams will be held at the Al Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Jehlum Road, Rawalpindi.

For further information, please contact Dylan Costello, Head of Examinations for the RCOphth at